Thursday, May 16, 2013

Challenge: Day 16

Something difficule about your "lot" in life and how you are working to overcome it

Well, I've said this on at least one previous post, but this one is a real toughy!
After all, some of us aren't really complainers, we just get through what we have to get through..
There are tough times, sure, like a few years ago when my husband got a dui on Christmas Eve,
you ask yourself what could I have done differently?
I try not to dwell on the past too much, there is too much possibility for the future!

There are difficult things that we all go through, for me probably the hardest is being so far away from
my family.  I've always been close with my parents and sisters and brother,
and it's HARD to be so far away.
I tend to treat my friends as my family now.
I talk to my mom a few times a week, which includes at least one time on the way to work
and one time on the way home from work.
It helps make things feel more normal.

I think otherwise I try just to make it through each day, I try my
hardest to put my trust in the Lord, and I pray.
I PRAY!  I used to think about something and I'd literally think I need to put that on my prayer list.
Now, when I think of something I pray right then.
It's sort of an instant gratifictation sort of thing.

John 14:13-14
"And whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. "If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring post! It is difficult to look at the less than perfect things in our lives and know that we need to change or respond differently to them.


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